Discover the air-purifying pothos (Epipremnum aureum) – a beloved houseplant that cleanses indoor air and enhances your living space beautifully.
Air-purifying pothos
With its official name of Epipremnum aureum, the pothos is a much-adored plant in many households. It is a magnificent plant you instantly fall in love with. But there is much more to it than the lush greenery it provides. The pothos can act as an amazing air purifier. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Instead, let’s start from the very beginning and learn everything there is to know about the air-purifying pothos!
The best cleaner
What we love most about pothos is its cleansing properties. It is much more than just an attractive plant. NASA’s clean air study identified the pothos plant as one of the best plants in your home. It can get rid of some of the most common home pollutants, such as toxins found in cleaning products, carpets, furniture, and more. So, create a healthier living environment for yourself with pothos epipremnum!
How to take care of it
The air-purifying pothos is known for its spectacular shape – the heart-shaped leaves and the various shades of green. If you look closely, you may even find some shades of white, gold, or yellow. The vines that go for miles make up for an awe-inspiring sight, and they are perfect if you want to hang them on shelves, baskets, or in any other place where they could showcase their beauty.
In terms of requirements, taking care of a pothos plant is rather easy! Here is what you need to keep in mind:
- Light – one of the reasons why people love this plant so much is because of its light requirements. It thrives in bright and indirect light, but it can also survive in low-light rooms as well. Doesn’t that make it the most excellent choice – especially if you live in a home that doesn’t get much sunlight (mostly north-facing windows?)
- Water – Besides being a low-light plant requirement, pothos epipremnum also has low watering requirements. This plant prefers to dry out completely before watering, so you should be patient. Check the soil frequently, and when you notice that the top inch of the soil is dry, then you can water the plant. Additionally, try not to overwater it since it can cause root rot, and we don’t want that. Also, avoid the plant sitting in water for a long time.
- Temperature/humidity – the air-purifying pothos thrive in your average household. However, mist the leaves or put a humidifier nearby to keep it looking lush. The best temperature for this low-light plant is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit
More greenery, always
There is more to the air-purifying pothos than meets the eye! You saw the watering tips, the light requirements, and more. But did you know that the pothos can reduce stress levels, improve mood, enhance productivity and concentration, and propagate easily? There is not much that this plant can’t do. So, if you are looking for ways to spruce up your home and add something that would be healthy, too, turn to the air-purifying pothos.
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